
Monday, May 08, 2006

things that used to work...

flickr on mac used to create a set for me as I do batch upload of photos from iPhoto. as of a few months ago, I've been waiting about a day or so and get irritated, stop the upload window, go to flickr website to create photo sets manually. it was super cool that there's batch upload, and that on top of it i could create photoset of uploaded photos. now that i'm spoiled with such feature, it not working is very annoying...

what happened? have no idea. my mac is same mac, and i didn't hear anything about flickr's software changing to disable such feature.

oh well...

on the same note, i've sort of given up on 'chage time & date' feature from
saw someone else complaining about it on one of my mailinglist. huhu, glad it's not just me, but still baffles me.
guess neither of us will get to the bottom of it, as there's not really a customer support for it.
it works on freebsd 4.x with mozilla 1.7x, but not on windows, mac or linux, with IE, safari, mozilla, ...
i can live with it for now.

hmm... what else is broken out there? must be plenty...


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