
Friday, October 27, 2006

consequences of pissing off big guys

so, i was watching ducks vs. oilers hockey game and the highlight of the game was pronger facing oilers and oilers fan. the announcer guy said 'i am from the area, and folks there don't forget...' meaning pronger will have this 'please trade me out of edmonton to say anaheim...' tag on his back for the rest of his career. there were oilers fans showing jersey number 44, pronger's old number, with big red circle and diagnal line across it, the sign of banning, sprayed on it.

for the same token, we are witnessing what happens when you piss off oracle badly enough. heh. redhat bought jboss up, and paid in its stock heading down from its good 30plus a share and as if that's not bad enough, oracle's out to get redhat for stealing jboss away from its acquisition list.

should that be a lesson for north korea not to piss off the great united states? lol. last summer north korea's been begging for attention with nuclear test threat, and got no attention whatsoever. so it fired away its test, and now it's got attention from united states alright. america is vowing to just wipe out the country. oh my... and it's getting bad attention from the rest of the world as well. makes fidel castro look an angel, not?

anyways, just made me wonder if it's good thing to piss off big guys and stand up or it's just stupid.

time will tell. we'll see how pronger's career pans out, how redhat fights back to oracle (or not), and if there will finally be unification of two koreas, peacefully or not.

what lesson does it teach me? heh, i'm chicken. stay out of conflict, and be a giant myself. that's the lesson.


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